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Libertarian Party

Oklahoma, South Dakota & Connecticut ballot access

Dear Libertarian, I need your your help to fund the petition drives in South Dakota, and now Connecticut, too. Click here to donate. I’m happy to report that we have well over 40,000 signatures in hand for our Oklahoma petition drive. Barring surprises, we’re pretty confident we’ll have 25,000 “good” signatures, which is enough to […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians Working For You show, with Heather Marcus, Mark West, Thomas Howell, and Cecil Anderson

The 2/3/16 episode of Libertarians Working For You hosted by Arvin Vohra is now available online, with guests: Heather Marcus, candidate for the 100th legislative district in Texas Mark West, candidate for the US House of Representatives first district in Arkansas Thomas Howell, candidate for the 46th legislative district in North Carolina Cecil Anderson, candidate for the third legislative district in Arkansas […]

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Libertarian Party

Republican presidential candidates refuse to talk about the toughest issue: cutting government spending

For Immediate Release Thursday, February 4, 2016 Source: Despite a lot of tough talk about going after ISIS and immigrants, or taking on the D.C. establishment, the Republican candidates vying for the GOP’s presidential nomination are chickening out on the toughest issues: ever-increasing government spending and massive government debt. In seven GOP debates, not […]

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Libertarian Party

Claire Ball for comptroller seeks government transparency

Claire Ball with her trademark jelly beans; her “bean counting” credentials were cited in the Chicago Tribune’s campaign coverage. This article was originally published in the Dec. 2015 issue of LP News (page 7). Claire Ball, who has a master’s degree in accounting and finance and works as a corporate accountant, is running for Illinois […]

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Libertarian Party

Connecticut LP wins court case to overturn ban on out-of-state petitioners

The Libertarian Party of Connecticut won a legal victory Wednesday (1/27/16) that allows them to hire out-of-state contractors to collect signatures for candidates petitioning their way onto the ballot. Before the ruling, only Connecticut residents were permitted to collect signatures. Professional circulators from out-of-state firms, which are often hired by candidates, had to be accompanied by […]

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Libertarian Party

Minnesota LP selects new Executive Director

Kevin Bradley The Minnesota Libertarian Party has hired Kevin Bradley to serve as the new Executive Director. Mr. Bradley is filling the vacancy left by former Executive Director Andy Burns, who now works for the national party as the State Affiliate Development Specialist. Mr. Bradley ran for the St. Paul City Council as a Libertarian […]

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