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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party Solution: End police militarization

This article was originally published in the Sept. 2015 issue of LP News (page 7). A SWAT team deployed on the streets of Ferguson, Mo.  Photo by Jamelle Bouie. (License: CC BY 2.0) In Lebanon, Tennessee, 61-year-old John Adams was watching television with his wife when police, looking for an alleged drug offender, pounded on […]

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Libertarian Party

MinnPost: The appeal of not being Trump or Clinton: a Q&A with Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson

MinnPost, an online nonprofit newspaper in Minnesota, ran an interview on April 18 with Gary Johnson, a candidate for the 2016 LP Presidential nomination. “Gary Johnson, former Republican governor of New Mexico, was once a golden boy of the Republican party. In 1994, he defeated an incumbent Democrat in a Democrat-leaning state and was re-elected by a […]

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Libertarian Party

Oklahoma LP runs 17 candidates for office, breaking 70-year record

The Oklahoma Libertarian Party, on the ballot for the first time since 2000, has 17 candidates running for office, which includes two candidates for U.S. Senator, two for the U.S. House of Representatives, and 13 for the state legislature. This is the highest amount of non-establishment party candidates running for the state legislature in 70 years, […]

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Libertarian Party

South Dakota Libertarian elected to city council

Tricia Weathers Tricia Weathers was elected to the Box Elder, South Dakota city council on April 12. She received 76 votes. Her competitor, Al Levine, obtained 56 votes. Ms Weathers had been appointed to the seat last fall after the position was vacated. The election was to fill out the remainder of the three-year term. […]

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Libertarian Party

USA Today: Libertarian leader says time is now for third-party run

From USA Today on April 11: “While one major presidential candidate waffles on the possibility of a third-party run, another established White House hopeful is prepping for the kind of outsider campaign that at least one poll expert believes could be viable in 2016. “Fresh off a surprisingly strong showing in a recent Monmouth University […]

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Libertarian Party

LA Daily News: It’s high time to let the Libertarian presidential candidate debate

In the April 7 issue of the Los Angeles Daily News, the headline, “It’s high time to let the Libertarian presidential candidate debate” appeared. Its author, columnist Susan Shelley, wrote: “When Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson filed a lawsuit against the Commission on Presidential Debates last September, he couldn’t have known that in April, the Democratic and Republican party […]

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Libertarian Party

LPND gubernatorial candidate interviewed by Bismarck Tribune

Marty Riske Marty Riske, the North Dakota LP candidate for Governor and former LPND chair, was interviewed on April 7 by the Bismarck Tribune, the largest daily newspaper in the state. “As governor, I would work to drastically shrink government and the spending that comes with it, along with restoring your personal liberties and freedom […]

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Libertarian Party

Gary Johnson interviewed by the New York Times, MTV

Candidate for the 2016 LP presidential nomination Gary Johnson was interviewed by the New York Times, for the second time in 15 days. “As desperate chatter about third-party and independent presidential bids grows louder, Gary Johnson, a former governor of New Mexico and a Libertarian presidential candidate, has a message for Republicans who are feeling disillusioned: […]

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Libertarian Party

LNC chair keynoting panel on the free market economy this Friday

LNC chair Nicholas Sarwark will be the keynote speaker at a panel discussion on the free market economy this Friday, April 8 at 7 pm at the Briercliff Baptist Church, 3039 Briarcliff Rd NE in Atlanta, GA. The forum is being sponsored by the group One of the panelists includes Georgia LP 2016 candidate for the […]

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