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Libertarian Party

Truthout: Third Parties Eager to Disrupt the Presidential Race and the Two-Party System

Libertarian National Committee chair Nicholas Sarwark was briefly interviewed in Truthout online on May 15. “Nicholas Sarwark, the chairman of the Libertarian Party, which supports some of the same political ideas that propelled Ron Paul’s fiery campaign in 2012, said Trump is fueling an ‘astounding’ exodus from the GOP. “We’ve been sort of noodling around […]

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Libertarian Party

Hiring 20 paid petitioners urgently – interested?

Libertarians, we’re hiring and paying $3 per signature in Illinois, $2.50 in Pennsylvania, $2.50 in Connecticut, and need volunteers in Ohio too, right away! There are no donation links in this email (for once). Only instructions on how to get hired. Some of the work may last until September. I need to hire a lot […]

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Libertarian Party

CNBC: Ten third-party candidate names at top of Never Trump’s list

CNBC published an article on May 6 discussing ten possible alternatives to Donald Trump, including candidate for the 2016 Libertarian Party presidential nomination Gary Johnson. “The Libertarian Party nominee is so far the only candidate other than Trump and Clinton who is likely to be on the ballot in all 50 states…. “In a statement […]

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Libertarian Party

Washington Post: Libertarian Party faces a nomination fight in a #NeverTrump world

The Washington Post published an article on May 13 about the race for the Libertarian Party presidential nomination. The article featured presidential candidates Gary Johnson, John McAfee, and Austin Petersen. “As the Libertarian Party faces perhaps the biggest opening of its 40-year history, it’s hosting a contest between the amiable left-libertarian Johnson, the youthful party activist […]

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Libertarian Party

Another Republican media pundit defects to the Libertarian Party

Krista Kafer Click here to hear Krista Kafer, radio host for 710 KNUS in Denver, Colorado, counter her co-host, Steve Kelly, as she explains why she left the GOP for the Libertarian Party. Her announcement was also covered on Colorado Public Radio. Kafer is a columnist for the Denver Post, and writes policy statements for […]

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Libertarian Party

Austin Petersen interviewed by Breitbart, Kennedy, and Dana Loesch

Austin Petersen Austin Petersen, a candidate for the 2016 Libertarian Party presidential nomination, was interviewed at Breitbart on May 11. “In his own words, Petersen’s politics can best be summed up by the phrase: ‘I believe in a world where gay married couples can defend their marijuana fields with fully automatic machine guns.’ His campaign slogan: ‘Taking […]

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Libertarian Party

How the Libertarian Party selects its presidential, VP nominees

For Immediate Release Thursday, May 12, 2016 Delegates to the Libertarian National Convention, who are selected by their respective state Libertarian affiliates, will select the party’s presidential and vice presidential nominees. The convention will be called to order on Friday, May 27 in Orlando, Florida and is expected to adjourn Monday, May 30. Presidential nominations […]

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