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Libertarian Party

USA Today: #NeverTrump Republicans have a new choice

From an op-ed by David Boaz published in USA Today on June 3: “Not since the nomination of arch-conservative Barry Goldwater in 1964 have so many Republicans been so dissatisfied with the presumptive nominee of their party…. “The Libertarian Party gathered in Orlando and nominated two former governors: Gary Johnson of New Mexico for president and […]

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Libertarian Party

Forbes: Do Not Dismiss Gary Johnson and the Libertarians

From pollster John Zogby in Forbes Magazine on May 30: “As of this moment, Johnson is receiving 10%–11% in national polls—about 10 to 11 times the support he received in 2012. While he spent only $2.5 million dollars for his run in 2012, he and the party have chosen Weld, who has raised about a […]

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Libertarian Party

CNN: Don’t fall for ‘lesser of two evils’ argument

Robby Soave wrote this opinion piece that CNN published on its website on June 1: “Voters…have choices beyond Clinton or Trump. A viable third party has put forth a compelling alternative in the form of libertarian Gary Johnson. For the second presidential election in a row, the Libertarian Party has chosen Johnson, a softspoken entrepreneur […]

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Libertarian Party

Washington Post: Gary Johnson takes on Trump’s anti-immigration lies

From the Washington Post on May 31: “One of the most positive results of Libertarian Gary Johnson’s presidential run will be forceful attacks from the right on Donald Trump’s counterproductive and dishonest arguments against immigration reform…. “Now along comes Johnson, who delightfully and emphatically calls out Trump and the anti-immigrant crowd for, bluntly put, lying. […]

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Libertarian Party

Reason: A New Libertarian Moment?

From A. Barton Hinkle of Reason Magazine on June 1: “‘Has the Libertarian Moment Finally Arrived?’ asked The New York Times two years ago. The standard-bearer for the cause then was Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). “Now the question is back, and getting scrutiny from outlets such as the Wall Street Journal (‘The Libertarian Alternative’), FiveThirtyEight […]

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Libertarian Party

Million-dollar super-PAC donation coming for Libertarian ticket

From The Hill on May 31: “A tomato tycoon has promised the largest super-PAC donation in Libertarian Party history with his pledge to spend more than $1 million backing nominee Gary Johnson. “Chris Rufer, the founder of California tomato processing company Morning Star, told The Hill he’s going to give at least $1 million to […]

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Libertarian Party

Another state legislator quits GOP, joins Libertarian Party

For Immediate Release Wednesday, June 1, 2016 OMAHA — Laura Ebke, the state senator representing Nebraska’s Legislative District 32, has changed her party registration from Republican to Libertarian, the second legislator to do so this year. Rep. John Moore (Nevada’s 8th Assembly District) also left the GOP for the Libertarian Party in January. ‘I’m excited […]

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Libertarian Party

Wall Street Journal: ​LP picks Johnson, Weld; holds truly contested presidential convention

From two articles in the Wall Street Journal by Byron Tau: Party hopes the two former GOP governors can mount formidable third-party challenge to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton ORLANDO, Fla.—The Libertarian National Convention on Sunday chose a pair of former Republican governors as their presidential and vice presidential nominees, putting forward the most-experienced election […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian presidential candidates debate

For Immediate Release Sunday, May 29, 2016 Press conference 12:15 P.M. ET Sunday ORLANDO — Last night delegates to the Libertarian Party’s nominating convention selected six candidates to compete to be the party’s nominee for President of the United States, five of whom qualified for and participated in the evening’s highlyentertaining televised debate. Candidates needed […]

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Libertarian Party

Gov. William Weld wins Libertarian VP nomination

For Immediate Release Sunday, May 29, 2016 ORLANDO — Today two-term Massachusetts governorWilliam Weld became the vice presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party at its nominating convention. Earlier today,the delegates elected two-term New Mexico governorGary Johnson to be the party’s presidential nominee. ‘This is the highest-profile ticket in the Libertarian Party’s history,’ said Nicholas Sarwark, […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party holds VP debate; votes overwhelmingly to oppose death penalty

For Immediate Release Saturday, May 28, 2016 ORLANDO – Last night at its presidential nominating convention, the Libertarian Party held a debate of vice presidential candidates, including four candidates who qualified by a vote of the delegates: businesswoman and trial lawyer Alicia Dearn , speaker and freedom activist William Coley , executive business consultant Larry […]

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