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Libertarian Party

Reason: Washington Post, in dishonest editorial, calls Gary Johnson ‘honest but defective’

From Matt Welch of Reason Magazine on July 8: “The Washington Post editorial board, one of the prime caretakers of establishmentarian consensus about national politics, has a curious editorial today titled ‘Gary Johnson is an honest but defective candidate.’ The piece is curious not simply because it invites snarky retorts—so, you prefer dishonest but effective […]

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Nicholas Sarwark

Libertarian Party Calls for an End to All Violence

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Libertarian National Committee Chair Nicholas Sarwark issued this statement today in relation to the recent shootings in Louisiana, Minnesota and Texas: “The killing needs to stop. All of it. None of these shootings were justified – not the shootings by the police, not the shootings of the police. The Libertarian Party denounces […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party Calls for an End to All Violence

For Immediate Release Friday, July 8, 2016 ALEXANDRIA, VA – Libertarian National Committee Chair Nicholas Sarwark issued this statement today in relation to the recent shootings in Louisiana, Minnesota and Texas: ‘The killing needs to stop. All of it. None of these shootings were justified – not the shootings by the police, not the shootings […]

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Libertarian Party

Live feed for Johnson and Weld appearance at National Press Club

A live feed of the appearance of LP presidential and vice presidential nominees Gary Johnson and Bill Weld will be available today, starting at 1 pm ET. Click here to watch. From the National Press Club on June 16: “The Libertarian Party presidential ticket — former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson and former Massachusetts Gov. […]

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Libertarian Party

Johnson and Weld on the ballot in Illinois

Libertarian Party presidential and vice presidential nominees Gary Johnson and Wiliam Weld will appear on the ballot this November in Illinois, as the petitions submitted last week were not challenged. In addition, the Illinois LP will have candidates on the general election ballot. The Libertarian Party turned in over 53,000 petitions on June 29. Anyone wishing […]

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Libertarian Party

AOL News: How Gary Johnson could shake up the presidential race

From AOL News on June 30: “The 2016 election is all about frustration — with politics, with people running for office, with Democrats and Republicans alike. Irritation with politics as usual fueled the rise of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and sustained Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders‘ so-called political revolution deep into the Democratic Party’s primary. […]

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Libertarian Party

Dallas Morning News: Libertarians are right, taxation is theft

From Mac McCann of the Dallas Morning News on June 29: “As people struggle to decide between the two most disliked major party nominees ever, there’s one thing people seem to miss: there are other options, like Libertarians Gary Johnson and William Weld. “In fact, the Libertarian ticket has more executive branch experience than Hillary Clinton […]

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Nicholas Sarwark, Press Release

No one should be above the law.

The FBI has decided not to push for criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server for her State Department emails. “This is a serious miscarriage of justice,” says Nicholas Sarwark, chair of the Libertarian National Committee. “One key criteria for laws to be just is that they must be […]

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Libertarian Party

No one should be above the law.

For Immediate Release Tuesday, July 5, 2016 The FBI has decided not to push for criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server for her State Department emails. “This is a serious miscarriage of justice,” says Nicholas Sarwark, chair of the Libertarian National Committee. “One key criteria for laws to […]

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