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Libertarian Party

U.S. District Court Strikes Down Arkansas Law Requiring New Parties to Nominate Candidates a Year Before the General Election

On July 15, a U.S. District Court judge struck down a law requiring new political parties in Arkansas to nominate their candidates a year before the general election. Even though the Arkansas LP did nominate 17 candidates for the 2016 general election, the order from the judge said, “The Secretary of State has not articulated any valid […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party mourns slain officers in Baton Rouge

  For immediate release July 18, 2016 ALEXANDRIA — Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee, states, “The events in Baton Rouge are heartbreaking and we all mourn with the people of Baton Rouge as they grapple with the loss of innocent lives.” “After every tragedy, people rightfully want to find the cause and prevent […]

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Libertarian Party

LNC Meeting July 17 in Las Vegas, NV

The Libertarian National Committee will conduct a one-day meeting on Sunday, July 17, at the Planet Hollywood Hotel in Las Vegas, NV, from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. PT, in the Melrose 3 breakout room. The LNC will attempt to stream the meeting live on the Internet. Broadcast channel #1 – video and audio: […]

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Convention 08

Jeb and Mitt, we welcome your vote and admire your courage!

CNN reports that Gov. Jeb Bush and Gov. Mitt Romney are considering voting for Gov. Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate for President. Chairman of the Libertarian National Committee, Nicholas Sarwark, says, “The Libertarian Party is delighted that Govs. Bush and Romney are considering voting for our candidates, Govs. Johnson and Weld. I think they know that […]

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Libertarian Party

Jeb and Mitt, we welcome your vote and admire your courage!

For Immediate Release Saturday, July 16, 2016 CNN reports that Gov. Jeb Bush and Gov. Mitt Romney are considering voting for Gov. Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate for President. Chairman of the Libertarian National Committee, Nicholas Sarwark, says, ‘The Libertarian Party is delighted that Govs. Bush and Romney are considering voting for our candidates, Govs. Johnson […]

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Libertarian Party

LP on the ballot in Tennessee

The Libertarian Party 2016 presidential and vice presidential nominees will appear on the ballot in Tennessee this November, as the Secretary of State confirmed the petitions on July 15. The Tennessee LP needed to submit at least 275 valid signatures by August 18. Nominees Gary Johnson and Bill Weld will appear on the ballot as […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party at FreedomFest

The Libertarian Party is at FreedomFest this weekend, being held at the Planet Hollywood Hotel, 3667 South Las Vegas Boulevard in Las Vegas, Nevada. The LP has a booth in the vendor area at space #231. Friday at 5 P.M. PT, LP 2016 presidential nominee Gary Johnson will be speaking on the main stage in the […]

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Libertarian Party

LP now recognized party in Maine

The Libertarian Party is now a recognized party in Maine, as the Secretary of State’s office announced that more than enough Libertarian voters had been registered. The law was changed in 2014 so that a new party would need at least 5,000 registered members by December 1 in the year prior to a general election […]

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Libertarian Party

Gary Johnson at 12 percent in new national poll

From the Libertarian Vindicator on July 11: “In a new Morning Consult poll released this morning, Governor Gary Johnson is now polling back at 12% nationally against Trump and Clinton, and is on the verge of reaching the requirement to make the debate stage this fall.” Click here to read the article.

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