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Libertarian Party

Things you can do to help elect Johnson and Weld in 2016

We are so close to getting Gary Johnson the critical 15% he needs in the polls to get into the national televised debates. Libertarians are finally getting some of the news coverage we deserve.   But there are still Americans out there who don’t realize that they have a 3rd option. Please help spread the word!   Here […]

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Libertarian Party

LP News July 2016 issue is now online

The July issue of LP News is ready to view online. Click here to read coverage of our presidential nominating convention, Libertarian candidates’ bold pledges, national and affiliate party news, ballot access updates, Libertarian solutions, and more.

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Libertarian Party

OC Register: Let Gary Johnson debate

From the Orange County Register on August 1: “So it’s settled: Hillary Clinton will square off against Donald Trump, in a full-tilt general election poised to become a hall of horrors for Americans seeking constructive debate. The tone was set this week by Trump’s suggestion that if the Russians find Clinton’s ‘lost’ emails, they turn […]

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Libertarian Party

LNC vice chair: Message to all Bernie Sanders supporters

Arvin Vohra From Libertarian National Committee Vice Chair Arvin Vohra: “To all Sanders supporters, “So many of you supported Senator Sanders because of his opposition to the War on Drugs. You know that ending the War on Drugs will make America safer by eliminating prohibition-related violence and allowing drug businesses to settle their disputes in […]

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Libertarian Party

Another sitting senator switches parties, endorses Johnson

SALT LAKE CITY — Utah State Senator Mark Madsen has announced his switch to the Libertarian Party and his endorsement of Gary Johnson for president. Sen. Madsen held a press conference at 1:30 Monday afternoon in Salt Lake City, stating, “Today I announce that I am joining the Libertarian Party and will support the Libertarian presidential […]

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Libertarians in the News

LifeZette: Hillary’s Libertarian Problem

Excerpt: “Recent polling in the 2016 presidential race reveals a seemingly counterintuitive result: Donald Trump widens his lead when pollsters include Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson compared with a head-to-head matchup with Hillary Clinton. “The result contradicts the conventional wisdom that a three-way race hurts Republican Trump more because of the supposedly large number of disaffected […]

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Libertarian Party

LifeZette: Hillary’s libertarian problem

From LifeZette on July 26: “Recent polling in the 2016 presidential race reveals a seemingly counterintuitive result: Donald Trump widens his lead when pollsters include Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson compared with a head-to-head matchup with Hillary Clinton. “The result contradicts the conventional wisdom that a three-way race hurts Republican Trump more because of the supposedly large number […]

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Libertarian Party

Outreach to Democratic friends

Dear Libertarian, Many of us have Bernie-supporting Democratic friends who are feeling pretty jaded right now. I’d bet you know someone who is. Maybe a close friend, a family member, a Facebook friend.… They just worked so hard for a candidate they believed in, and have come face to face with the corruption and rigging […]

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Convention 02

Outreach to Democratic Friends

Dear Libertarian, Many of us have Bernie-supporting Democratic friends who are feeling pretty jaded right now. I bet you know someone who is. Maybe a close friend, a family member, a Facebook friend… They just worked so hard for a candidate they believed in and have come face to face with the corruption and rigging […]

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Libertarian Party

Daily Beast: Vice Chair of D.C. GOP to resign over Trump nomination

From The Daily Beast on July 21: “The vice chairman of the Washington, D.C., GOP party plans to resign from his post and vote for libertarian candidate Gary Johnson in November, the longtime Republican operative told The Daily Beast. Gary Teal, a delegate at the Republican convention, said he had already told fellow delegates that he […]

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Press Release

Libertarian Party to Democrats: It’s cruel to be kind

Libertarian Party Chair Nicholas Sarwark released the following statement today: Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders, and other speakers at the Democratic National Convention are espousing the virtue of love and the need to take care of our fellow man, suggesting that this can be accomplished through government programs such as welfare and socialized medicine. […]

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