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Convention 27

Our next step

Dear Libertarian, As I shared with you on Monday, we made tremendous progress on Election Day when we retained or gained ballot access in 37 states plus D.C., the highest ever after an election in the party’s history. The previous best was 31, after the November 2012 election. This is a huge leap forward for […]

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Election update, party at headquarters, I.T. volunteers

Dear Libertarian, We are still collecting election results for our six hundred Libertarian candidates and will have detailed reports to share with you in the coming days. Some highlights follow, but, first, a couple of announcements. Party at Headquarters! The Libertarian Party will host a party at our headquarters in Alexandria, VA to celebrate 2016 successes. […]

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Logo - The Daily Beast

Daily Beast: Libertarians to America – Don’t Blame Us for Trump

From The Daily Beast on November 11: “On the day before the 2016 election, Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson sent a note to his supporters. ‘Whatever happens tomorrow, understand we won,’ he said. “But on the day after the election, with Hillary Clinton vanquished and Donald Trump declared the president-elect, the main things Johnson and […]

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Libertarian voter registrations hit 500,000

From Ballot Access News: “The Libertarian Party now has approximately 500,000 registrants. It is the first nationally-organized party, other than the Democratic and Republican Parties, to have that many. The Libertarian Party had 411,250 registrants in February 2016, and in all previous years, had never had as many as 400,000.” Read the full article here.

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Libertarians in the News

Seeking volunteers for IT Committee – apply by November 23, 2016

The Libertarian National Committee is seeking three to five volunteers to serve on its IT Committee. Additionally, even if you are not interested in serving directly on the committee, if you are an IT practitioner and are willing to volunteer your services occasionally, we’d like to hear from you as well. The IT Committee helps […]

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Ballot initiative revolutionizes voting in Maine

In a major victory for third parties, voters in Maine approved a statewide ballot initiative on November 8 establishing Ranked Choice Voting (sometimes called “Instant Runoff Voting” when used for single winner elections) in the state. Passage of the measure makes Maine the first state in the nation to adopt Ranked Choice Voting on a […]

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Gary Johnson

Libertarian Johnson gets highest third party presidential vote total since billionaire Ross Perot in 1996

Yesterday Libertarian for president Gov. Gary Johnson won 4,013,780 votes, the highest vote total for an alternative party presidential candidate since Ross Perot in 1996. Perot, whose net worth was over $3 billion in 1992 dollars, became a household name that year after he bought 30-minute prime time infomercials to boost his first presidential campaign. He was subsequently included in […]

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Big ballot access wins for LP!

Last night the Libertarian Party achieved a number of critically-important ballot access victories, making the LP a recognized party in 38 states, the highest ever after an election in the party’s history. The Texas LP retained ballot access with Railroad Commission candidate Mark Miller receiving over 5 percent. The party would have had to collect over 80,000 […]

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Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee, made the following remarks in New Mexico at the Election Night celebration for the Libertarian presidential ticket. Hello Libertarians! It is an honor to stand here on this stage tonight after the two greatest candidates that the Libertarian Party has ever had! …the candidates that have had […]

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New Jersey Libertarian interviewed by Huffington Post

Dan Delaney, running for the 8th congressional district as a Libertarian in New Jersey, was recently interviewed by the Huffington Post. “Before 1913 we didn’t have an income tax, we didn’t have the IRS and we still had roads and infrastructure and a standing military. So there’s a lot of bloat in government that I’d like […]

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Seah Johnson: Vote For My Father

Libertarian Gov. Johnson’s daughter, Seah Johnson, has a suggestion for voters still undecided and looking to cast votes they can feel good about: Make Election Day a “Giant crazy rocking joyful” dance party. Click here to watch the video.

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