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Libertarian Party

Most Dangerous Part of Bush Legacy is What Cannot Be Seen

For Immediate Release Friday, January 16, 2009 Libertarian Party Faults Bush Administration With Pushing Idea that Government is an Agent of Good America’s largest third party says the most dangerous part of President George Bush’s legacy is that which cannot be seen. “President Bush leaves office after eight years having pushed the idea that people […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr Supports Closure of Guantanamo Prison

For Immediate Release Wednesday, January 14, 2009 Endorses Obama Proposal Former Congressman Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party’s 2008 nominee for president, issued a statement Wednesday morning applauding President-elect Obama’s reported plan to close the controversial military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where many suspected terrorists have been held, often without hearings, since shortly after 9/11. […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian State Leadership Alliance Info

The Libertarian State Leadership Alliance (formerly LP State Chairs) will be holding its annual conference from February 27 to March 1, 2009, in Charleston, SC – and you don’t have to be a state chair to attend.  The conference is open to anyone who has an interest in the future and direction of the Libertarian […]

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Libertarian Party

If Obama's Plan Doesn't Seem to Make Sense, it's Because it Doesn't

For Immediate Release Tuesday, January 13, 2009 Libertarian Party Says Obama Plan Based on Failed Economics America’s largest third party says that President-elect Barack Obama’s spending plans are based on flawed economics. “If you think Obama’s economic plans don’t make sense, it’s because they don’t,” says Libertarian Party National Chairman William Redpath. “Americans are taking […]

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Libertarian Party

Fred Barnes and the Legacy of Bush

As we move closer to Jan. 20 and the end of the Bush administration, the push to salvage the legacy of the Bush administration becomes stronger and stronger.  However, even from an objective standpoint, there is little that Bush has done in the last eight years that has made America safer, stronger or freer.  As […]

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Libertarian Party

Keynesian Economics Explained

The Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation recently released a video with Cato’s Daniel Mitchell explaining the failed logic behind Keynesian economics.  It’s a great watch, since Keynesian theory is the driving force behind President-Elect Barack Obama’s latest stimulus plans:

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Libertarian Party

Barr Slams Illinois House Impeachment Resolution

For Immediate Release Friday, January 9, 2009 Calls Blagojevich Impeachment Premature and Irresponsible Former Congressman Bob Barr issued a statement today criticizing the Illinois House of Representatives for its resolution impeaching Governor Rod Blagojevich, calling such a move ‘premature’ and ‘irresponsible.’ ‘To impeach a duly-elected governor against who there has been no formal charges whatsoever […]

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Libertarian Party

Submit Your Video

The Libertarian Party is asking you to submit your video telling us… “Why I’m a Libertarian” This will be a promotional video for the LP and will be shown at CPAC and other major events. The main idea is to show that Libertarians are your average Americans with principles they are willing to stand up […]

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Libertarian Party

We're Not Going to Spend Our Way to Economic Recovery

For Immediate Release Thursday, January 8, 2009 American’s largest third party is calling plans by the incoming Obama administration a “multibillion-dollar boondoggle.” “We’re not going to spend our way to economic recovery,” says Andrew Davis, a spokesperson for the Libertarian Party. “You can’t even call Obama’s economic plans a gamble because the results are written […]

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Libertarian Party

Is Obama a Centrist? LP Says "No"

For Immediate Release Wednesday, January 7, 2009 In today’s political arena, it’s sometimes hard to tell left from right, and right from left. This makes finding the political ‘center’ that much more difficult. So, is president-elect Barack Obama actually a centrist? While Obama currently appears to be not as extreme as his campaign rhetoric might […]

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Libertarian Party

Is Cutting Taxes Really Raising Taxes?

Are cutting taxes really raising taxes? It’s an interesting proposition, and one that economists are discussing in relation to President-Elect Barack Obama’s proposed stimulus plan.  In Obama’s projected $775 billion dollar stimulus plan, up to 40 percent of the (borrowed) money is anticipated to go towards tax cuts, while the rest will be put into […]

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Libertarian Party

Chaos in Gaza

Since its creation as a Jewish state in the late 1940s, Israel has been one of the main sources of tension and unrest in the Middle East.  Now, more than 50 years later, Israel once again finds itself at odds with its Palestinian neighbors, forcing the hand of the United States to show where it […]

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