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Libertarian Party

LP quoted in “The Hill”

Libertarian National Committee Chairman Bill Redpath is — once again — one of several Washington leaders quoted in today’s installation of The Hill blog’s "The Big Question."  Today’s "Big Question" was "Politically, was it a good move or a blunder for House Republicans to vote en bloc against President Obama’s stimulus package?" Check out Chairman […]

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Libertarian Party dissects the pork

Have you every wondered just what exactly is in Barack Obama’s massive government spending plan, now estimated by the Congressional Budget Office to end up costing over $1 trillion? The creators of have taken the proposals from the U.S. Conference of Mayors that may end up in the stimulus bill, and broken it down […]

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Libertarian Party

Polls: Independent voters turning heavily against Obama spending plan

No wonder President Barack Obama is demanding the Senate pass his $825 billion government expansion plan with no further study or debate.  Evenly divided a week ago, independents are now turning against Obama’s $825 billion government expansion plan. Judging from the polling data, the only thing preventing Obama’s government expansion plan from dipping into Bush-approval-rating […]

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Libertarian Party

“Carbon capturing contests” and killing cows? More questionable spending unmasked in Obama plan

Syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin is staying busy these days keeping track of some of the more wasteful items included in President Obama’s government spending plan.  Pitched as a plan to create jobs, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office now estimates its final cost will top $1 trillion, and most of the spending has little to do […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party congratulates Judge Jim Gray on retirement

For Immediate Release Thursday, January 29, 2009 Respected Libertarian Superior Court Judge steps down after 25 year career WASHINGTON, D.C. — America’s third-largest party congratulates Libertarian Judge Jim Gray on his retirement from the California Superior Court, Libertarian National Committee Chairman William Redpath announced Thursday. ‘Libertarians thank Judge Jim Gray for his decades of public […]

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Libertarian Party

CBO: Obama spending package costs could top $1 trillion

The Politico today reports when interest costs are added to the $825 billion government spending plan proposed by President Barack Obaama, the total costs to taxpayers could top $1 trillion. In a letter to Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), ranking member of the House Budget Committee, Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf reports the interest cost […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party urges 'no' vote on Holder

For Immediate Release Wednesday, January 28, 2009 Attorney General nominee hostile to Second Amendment rights WASHINGTON, D.C. — America’s third-largest political party urged the Senate Wednesday to reject the nomination of Eric Holder to be Attorney General, citing his record of hostility to Second Amendment rights. ‘The Attorney General is expected to defend our Constitutional […]

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Libertarian Party

Examiner editorial: Hardest choice of all is scaling back government

The Washington Examiner challenges Barack Obama to turn his pretty words about "change" and "hard choices" into some kind of real action. "After a relentless expansion of big government for decades under both Republican and Democratic administrations, the nation’s economy is finally buckling under the load. In his inauguration address, President Barack Obama blamed “greed […]

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Libertarian Party

“Dim Bulb” or silly goose?

If your carry-on bag is sitting on the bottom of the Hudson River right now, The Washington Examiner suggests New York senator Chuck Schumer may be partially to blame. In its daily "Dim Bulb" feature, the Examiner takes Schumer to task for a 2004 earmark that may have gone unnoticed were it not for last […]

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Libertarian Party

Indianapolis City-County Council Reappoints Two Libertarians

For Immediate Release Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Press release from the Libertarian Party of Marion County, Ind. INDIANAPOLIS, IN — The Indianapolis City-County Council has voted to reappoint two Indianapolis Libertarians to the Metropolitan Board of Zoning Appeals in Indianapolis for a one-year term. Timothy J. Maguire was confirmed in a 29-0 vote on January […]

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Libertarian Party

Pelosi: Reduce government spending by reducing the population

What do you get when the government begins providing all child care, education and health care? You get a government that begins to look at its citizens as an expensive burden.  The Drudge Report highlights this exchange Sunday between This Week host George Stephanopoulos and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on some of the more ridiculous […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr in the AJC: “Change” means more of the same

Constancy of government intrusion unlikely to change By Bob Barr For the Journal-Constitution Read the entire column for yourself at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution "Clearly, much has changed since the early spring of 2008. But, as I scan the news, there remains an eerie constancy to goings on in Washington, in Atlanta and elsewhere.

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