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Libertarian Party

Obama repeals “onerous” regulations. Just not for you.

Your Monday Message from the Libertarian Party: Dear friend, Great news!  Obama is repealing “onerous” federal regulations! Unfortunately he’s not repealing any of the hundreds of thousands of federal regulations making it harder to start, expand or keep a business. Instead – in a payoff to his union boss campaign financiers – Obama repealed pro-transparency […]

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Libertarian Party

AP poll shows independents not sold on Obama

For Immediate Release Thursday, April 23, 2009 ‘Elvis is still alive’ polls higher than independents’ faith in Obama’s direction WASHINGTON — America’s third largest party points to polling released April 22 by the Associated Press showing only 17 percent of self-described political independents think America is ‘heading in the right direction’ under Barack Obama as […]

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Libertarian Party

Black journalist condemns Obama’s “sin against our children”

Juan Williams, an Emmy Award-winning black liberal journalist who openly wept with joy during Barack Obama’s inauguration, is now seething with anger after the president terminated D.C.’s "Opportunity Scholarship Program" that would have allowed poor black children to attend the same distinguished schools as his daughters – calling greater choice in education "the key civil […]

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Libertarian Party

Texas Libertarian staff quash forced primary bill

Texas Libertarian Party officials successfully stopped a bill in the State Legislature that would have forced Libertarians to nominate their candidates at both taxpayer and greater party expense. HB 1892, sponsored by Republican State Rep. Leo Berman of Tyler, would have required all political parties to nominate their candidates through taxpayer-funded primaries, ending the practice […]

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Libertarian Party

Cato study: Bailouts are billion-dollar bandages, not viable treatment

Financial and legal expert Vern McKinley, in research for the Cato Institute, diagnoses the illness plaguing America’s financial sector and prescribes a treatment that will get the economy growing again — economic liberty and a return to the free markets that have been progressively abandoned over history. He writes, in part: Beyond the inconsistencies and […]

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Libertarian Party

My Internship at the Libertarian National Committee

My Internship at the Libertarian National CommitteeIrena SchneiderPresident of American University Students for Liberty It’s hard to imagine that after three months, my time at the Libertarian Party is coming to a close. As all kinds of final moments necessitate some time for reflection, I can think of the many tasks I’ve taken on and […]

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Libertarian Party

N.C. Appeals Panel Hears Libertarians

For Immediate Release Tuesday, April 21, 2009 RALEIGH, N.C. — A State Court of Appeals panel on Monday heard oral arguments in the Libertarian Party of North Carolina’s legal challenge to the state’s election laws Monday. The panel included Chief Judge John C. Martin and Judges Sanford L. Steelman and Ann Maria Calabria. Ken Soo, […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians: Obama health care rationing plan makes America sick

For Immediate Release Tuesday, April 21, 2009 Government control of health care leads to higher death rates, research finds WASHINGTON — America’s third largest party Tuesday blasted comments by White House chief economic advisor Lawrence Summers that Americans are getting too much health care and the government should begin rationing access to medical procedures. ‘Decisions […]

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Libertarian Party

AP slams Obama’s budget “cuts”

According to analysis published today by the Associated Press, "Obama’s latest budget-tightening effort hardly makes a dime’s worth of differenc." In a toughly-worded article, AP writers Andrew Taylor and Calvin Woodward take Obama to task for asking his Cabinet to find $100 million in budget savings — much of it in already-proposed ideas — and […]

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