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Libertarian Party

Free Market Hero: William Brody

The independent, non-partisan Institute for Justice announced Tuesday it successfully negotiated a settlement with the Village of Port Chester, New York in the wake of a 2008 federal court victory by local businessman William Brody.  Brody, represented by IJ, has been engaged in a nine-year eminent domain battle with the village, which took Brody’s property […]

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Libertarian Party

Gay critics say ‘too little, too late’ from Obama

CNN reports that Obama’s attempt to buy off gay activists with federal benefits, after the White House compared them to pedophiles in a legal brief opposing gay marriage, is "too little, too late." CNN reports in part: President Obama’s decision to grant some benefits to the same-sex partners of federal employees is seen by some […]

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Libertarian Party

Wish a happy birthday to John Monds!

John Monds, the Libertarian candidate for Georgia governor, celebrates his birthday today.  John’s already the first Georgia gubernatorial candidate to reach 1,000 followers on Twitter, so why not send him your best wishes, and follow his campaign, by going to If you don’t "tweet," you can always show your support at

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Libertarian Party

LNC Chairman statement in response to President Obama's AMA address

For Immediate Release Tuesday, June 16, 2009 Proposed government takeover of health care means higher costs, less effective care and rationing WASHINGTON — Libertarian National Committee Chairman William Redpath issued the following statement Tuesday in response to President Obama’s address to the American Medical Association: “There is no question our health care system is broken […]

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Libertarian Party

Somewhere Ken Lay is smiling: Report likely shows Obama healthcare takeover unaffordable. Congress to simply change the report.

In a move that would have made Ken Lay proud, Democrat congressional leaders are expected to deal with the huge price tag of Barack Obama’s government takeover of health care in a unique way — ditching the estimates prepared by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office and replacing them with the nunbers prepared by the politically-appointed […]

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Libertarian Party

Oregon LP wins yet another election

More good news from Oregon, this time in Washington County.  The Libertarian Party of Washington County’s own Vice-Chair, Steve Pearson, was elected to Cedar Park Middle School Local School Committee, Position 3. In a rare feat, Pearson was elected as a write-in candidate.

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Libertarian Party

Obama offers more change…in his positions

CANDIDATE OBAMA, ON VOTER-APPROVED MEDICAL MARIJUANA LAWS "The Justice Department going after sick individuals using this as a palliative instead of going after serious criminals makes no sense." – Barack Obama, July 21 2007 "I would not have the Justice Department prosecuting and raiding medical marijuana users. It’s not a good use of our resources." […]

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Libertarian Party

Obama’s new GM head: “I don’t know anything about cars.”

Edward E. Whitacre, Barack Obama’s appointee to run General Motors, admitted to Bloomberg News Wednesday "I don’t know anything about cars."  Upon taking over GM in March, Obama forced out then-CEO Rick Wagoner, credited by many for stabilizing losses and cutting costs but criticized by political and environmentalist groups for cutting back on the production […]

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Libertarian Party

RI Senate passes “compassion” bill allowing medical cannabis for the critically ill

The Rhode Island State Senate approved 30-2 Wednesday a "compassionate care" bill allowing "compassion centers" to sell medical marijuana to critically ill patients on a registration list.  The bill, which already passed the House 63-5, goes to Gov. Donald Carcieri for his signature.  Carcieri vetoed similiar legislation last year, but the 63-5 and 30-2 margins […]

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