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Libertarian Party

Wes Benedict named Executive Director

Wes Benedict, Libertarian Party of Texas Executive Director from 2004 to 2008 and former member of the Libertarian National Committee, was named Executive Director of the Libertarian National Committee today by Chairman William Redpath. Benedict begins his service July 17 at the LNC’s quarterly meeting in St. Louis, Missouri and will then move directly to […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr: ‘Cap and tax’ a lot of hot air

Congressman Bob Barr, the 2008 Libertarian presidential nominee, takes a look at Barack Obama’s proposed "cap and trade" $1.9 trillion National Energy Tax in his weekly column for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Click here to read Barr’s column.  Barr writes, in part:

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Libertarian Party

Mike Ferguson to Host ‘Wake Up Columbia’ on ‘The Eagle’ 93.9 FM Next Week

For Immediate Release Sunday, July 5, 2009 Blunt, Calzone, Root among Scheduled Guests (Columbia, MO) – ‘Missouri Viewpoints’ Producer and Host Mike Ferguson will take to the radio airwaves next week. Ferguson will fill in for Tom Bradley as host of ‘Wake Up Columbia’, KSSZ’s morning drive time program, Monday through Thursday (July 6th through […]

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Libertarian Party

Rampant overspending has some states teetering near shutdown

Click here for the full story.  The Los Angeles Times reports, in part: Indiana is one of five states — along with Arizona, California, Mississippi and Pennsylvania — bracing for possible shutdowns this week as time runs out for lawmakers to close billion-dollar gaps in their fiscal 2010 budgets. Of the 46 states whose fiscal […]

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Libertarian Party

Obamacare failed in Europe

Guillaume Vuillemey, a researcher at France’s Institut Economique Molinari, and Philip Stevens, a researcher at Britain’s International Policy Network write in today’s Washington Examiner about how Obama’s proposed government takeover of the health care system has worked in Europe. Hint.  Not so well. Click here to read the column, or if you live in the […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians remind Obama of his ‘firm pledge’ not to tax health care benefits

For Immediate Release Tuesday, June 30, 2009 President considering backing what he called the ‘biggest middle-class tax increase in history’ WASHINGTON — America’s third largest party Tuesday reminded President Barack Obama that supporting a proposed $246 billion tax on employer-provided health care benefits – a proposal he opposed as ‘the biggest middle-class tax increase in […]

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Libertarian Party

Obama Supreme Court nominee overruled by Supreme Court, again

In a victory for individual rights, the Supreme Court Monday announced it is throwing out a decision by Second Circuit Judge Sonia Sotomayor, who ruled the city of New Haven, Conn. could deny several firefighters promotions because the racially-neutral test they passed did not produce politically correct results, and it could theoretically result in lawsuits […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians reach out to gay, lesbian Democrats picketing DNC fundraiser

For Immediate Release Friday, June 26, 2009 LGBT Democrats express outrage over Obama administration defense of DOMA WASHINGTON — Representatives from America’s third-largest party greeted Democrats protesting the Obama administration’s legal arguments defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) outside a Thursday Democratic National Committee fundraiser aimed at gay and lesbian donors, and shared with […]

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Libertarian Party

“ObamaCare” not so caring toward the elderly

Noted commentator Matthew Vadum, writing for The American Spectator, highlights what Obama’s proposed government takeover of health care means for the elderly.  You may click here to read it. Here’s a hint.  If you’re suffering from a painful fracture, Obama tells yesterday’s town hall, "maybe you’re better off not having the surgery, but taking the […]

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