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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: My New Year’s Resolutions

January 4, 2010 Dear Friend of Liberty, I resolve to persevere in the struggle for freedom that many Americans have undertaken tirelessly, and in some cases have given their lives for. I resolve to vote for Libertarian candidates whenever I can. I resolve to keep reminding people that every vote for a Libertarian makes a […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians release top 10 disasters of 2009 Obama administration

For Immediate Release Thursday, December 31, 2009 Note similarities to previous administration Top 10 disasters of the 2009 Obama administration (in no particular order): 1. Cash for Clunkers 2. War escalation in Afghanistan 3. Giant government health care expansion bill 4. Post office loses money hand over fist 5. Stimulus package 6. Expansion of “state […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: Stop Subsidizing Health Care!

December 28, 2009 Dear Friend of Liberty, You have probably heard lots of politicians in recent months complaining about “the skyrocketing cost of health care.” They wring their hands about how “the United States spends more on health care…” etc. etc. Their solution? More government, of course. But why does the cost of health care […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Michael Munger comments on insurance and health care costs

Creating competition and offering the right incentives DURHAM — I hear people complain they can’t afford insurance. They need to realize that the real problem is they can’t afford health care. The U.S. has the world’s most expensive health care, $8,000 per person per year, eating up 16 percent of our GDP. There are […]

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Libertarian Party

How Liberty Makes Health Care Virtually Universal

For Immediate Release Friday, December 25, 2009 by Mary J. Ruwart, Ph.D. Everyone knows that health care costs are soaring every year, making medical bills and insurance unaffordable for many. No relief is in sight with the health care bills being considered in Congress, which are estimated to cost us at least $1 trillion over […]

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Libertarian Party

Don’t Waste Your Vote: Vote Democratic!

by William Redpath (originally published in the December 2009 issue of LP News) I can’t know what each of you thought when you read the headline above, but probably the most charitable thought was “Poor Bill Redpath. He almost made it to the end of his second term as Chair before he cracked up.” Please […]

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Libertarian Party

2004 LP Presidential nominee Michael Badnarik hospitalized after heart attack

The Libertarian Party headquarters in Washington, DC has received various reports that Michael Badnarik, the 2004 nominee for President, has suffered a heart attack and has been hospitalized in Wisconsin. William Redpath, Chairman of the Libertarian National Committee (LNC), commented, "While initial indications are that this is possibly a serious heart attack, we’re hoping that […]

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Libertarian Party

Politico asks Wes Benedict about Gary Johnson

The political news site suggests that "Gary Johnson emerges as the next Ron Paul." Johnson is a former New Mexico governor. The story quotes LP Executive Director Wes Benedict: What seems clear is that for now Johnson has no plan to leave the GOP. He resisted a draft effort from the Libertarian Party leading […]

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Libertarian Party

TV coverage of Libertarian debate battle in Massachusetts

In the campaign for the special election to replace the late Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy, Libertarian candidate Joe Kennedy is making waves. (Joe Kennedy is not related to Edward Kennedy, and will appear on the ballot as an independent.) The Democratic candidate wants Kennedy included in all debates — the Republican candidate seems to be […]

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