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image of several layered fireworks bursts in night sky (color photo)

Time to boldly declare our independence, once again

by Arvin Vohra Two hundred and forty-two years ago, the founders of this nation decided to overthrow their government. Today is more than a day to celebrate that decision. It is a day to remind ourselves to carry on their tradition of overthrow in our hearts, in our minds, and in our actions. The myth […]

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2018 Libertarian National Convention

Libertarian presidential hopefuls: Now there are 2 … or 3?

Both Adam Kokesh and Gov. Bill Weld have been appearing at numerous state Libertarian Party conventions this year, and now both have attended the party’s biennial national convention, which ran through July 3 at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans. Kokesh has announced he will seek the Libertarian Party nomination for president. Although Weld has […]

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Ruth Bennett smiling wearing eyeglasses (color photo)

Five Libertarians inducted into Hall of Liberty

by Tim Hagan Five recipients of the Libertarian Party’s Jefferson Award will be inducted into our Hall of Liberty during the 2018 Libertarian Party’s national convention in New Orleans. In 2012, the Libertarian Party (LP) established the Hall of Liberty to honor lifetime or significant achievement having a lasting effect on the Libertarian Party or […]

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All persons are entitled to keep the fruits of their labor. We call for the repeal of the income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service and all federal programs and services not required under the U.S. Constitution.

The Supreme Court just increased your cost of living

The price of that custom one-of-kind handmade Canadian maple end table that you can get on Etsy for $229 just increased between $4 and $22, depending on where you live. The U.S. Supreme Court just ruled that online merchants must charge the applicable sales tax wherever merchandise is sold, regardless of whether the merchant has […]

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2018 Libertarian National Convention

LNC to hold convention June 30 – July 3 in New Orleans

Organizers expect largest-ever midterm delegation For immediate release June 20, 2018 ALEXANDRIA, VA —  The Libertarian Party (LP) will hold its national convention from June 30 through July 3 in New Orleans at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The biennial event will draw approximately 900 delegates from across the country to select its leadership for the […]

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Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders.

Trump will now keep detained immigrant families in the same cages

For the last month, the Department of Homeland Security has been separating captured immigrant children from their families at the border. They’ve been housing the children in cages at an abandoned Walmart and other facilities, and holding their parents in cages elsewhere. The public revulsion to this policy of families being forcibly separated led President […]

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Libertarian Party Platform

Take the 2018 Platform Committee survey

Fellow Libertarians, Prior to each Libertarian National Convention, a Platform Committee is established to consider and recommend proposed amendments to the Party Platform. This survey contains our draft proposals to gain your feedback both positive and negative. The Platform Committee reports not to the Libertarian National Committee but directly to all of you, and we’ve […]

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Libertarians advocate individual privacy and government transparency. We are committed to ending government’s practice of spying on everyone.

Apple is making it harder for government to invade privacy

The largest computer company in the world, Apple, is about to make it more difficult for government agents to unreasonably search or seize your person, papers, home, and effects. Apple’s newest iPhone software update will prevent transfer of data from the phone’s charging and data port one hour after the phone is locked. This will […]

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