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Libertarian Party

Fox News covers Libertarian Sarvis, Virginia candidate for governor

Rob Sarvis,LP VirginiaCandidate for Governor Rob Sarvis’ governor campaign continues to gather momentum, with recent coverage including home page of Fox News national web site. Fox News reports: “Sarvis is hoping to ride the country’s recent wave of Libertarian enthusiasm long enough to at least shake up a race in which voters are showing unfavorable […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Michael Brennan hopes to slash millions in proposed county spending

Michael Brennan,LP MichiganCandidate for LivingstonCounty Commissioner Michigan’s Livingston County has a low crime rate and a small budget surplus, but officials there want to spend $12 million on a county jail. Libertarian Party candidate for county commissioner Michael Brennan hopes he can help put a stop to these plans for runaway spending. “This is after […]

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Libertarian Party

Will record low approval ratings for Democrats and Republicans mean more Libertarian votes?

Republicans and Democrats have a stranglehold on the U.S. political system, and the media helps them maintain their power, said Libertarian Party director Carla Howell in an interview with PressTV last week. By supporting the Libertarian Party and its candidates, voters can reject the the astronomical taxes, spending, debt, and regulations that both Democrat and […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian candidate for VA governor Robert Sarvis beats margin in poll

Rob Sarvis,LP VirginiaCandidate for Governor Breaking news: Roanoke Times calls for inclusion of Sarvis in governor debates The Libertarian Party message of cutting the size and scope of government is gaining traction in Virginia. Robert Sarvis, the Virginia LP’s candidate for governor, is polling at 7 percent in results released Tuesday by Public Policy Polling […]

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Libertarian Party

Snowden should be rewarded as a hero, say LP poll respondents

When National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed the criminal ways in which the U.S. government is violating the privacy rights of Americans, Big Government Democrats and Republicans immediately began to demonize him and canceled his passport while they strongarmed other countries into denying him asylum. A majority of visitors to, however, have […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party: Defending the Fourth Amendment for 42 years

The Libertarian Party has a long history of defending the rights to privacy guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Libertarian Party leaders and candidates will join a coalition of Fourth Amendment advocates tomorrow, July 4, at rallies held across the United States sponsored by Restore the Fourth, a grassroots, nonpartisan, nonviolent movement. […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians speaking at Restore the Fourth protests on July 4

Protesters in cities across America will gather on July 4, 2013, to demand that the U.S. government adhere to its constitutionally dictated limits demanded by the Fourth Amendment. The rallies are being organized by Restore the Fourth, a grassroots, nonpartisan, nonviolent movement spurred by revelations made by whistle blower Edward Snowden of the government’s widespread […]

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Libertarian Party

LPVA governor candidate Robert Sarvis qualifies for ballot

Rob Sarvis,LP VirginiaCandidate for Governor Robert Sarvis, gubernatorial candidate for the Libertarian Party of Virginia, qualified for the state ballot this week. His qualification brings the current number of ballot-qualified candidates in Virginia to eight, including seven candidates for the House of Delegates. “As state chair, I attended all of their nominating conventions and I’m […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party applauds DOMA strikedown

For Immediate Release Wednesday, June 26, 2013 The Libertarian Party applauds the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision today to strike the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a federal law that discriminates against non-heterosexual marriages. The Libertarian Party has supported marriage equality since its founding in 1971. “The Republican Party has never supported marriage equality,” said Laura […]

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Libertarian Party

March issue of LP News now available online

The March 2013 edition of LP News is now available in the LP News archive, which contains issues stretching back for five years. So, if you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to read our coverage of the Libertarian Party’s extensive presence at the International Students for Liberty Conference, 2013 election hot spots, our full […]

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