Search results for "trump"

Convention 08

Jeb and Mitt, we welcome your vote and admire your courage!

CNN reports that Gov. Jeb Bush and Gov. Mitt Romney are considering voting for Gov. Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate for President. Chairman of the Libertarian National Committee, Nicholas Sarwark, says, “The Libertarian Party is delighted that Govs. Bush and Romney are considering voting for our candidates, Govs. Johnson and Weld. I think they know that […]

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Libertarian Party

Jeb and Mitt, we welcome your vote and admire your courage!

For Immediate Release Saturday, July 16, 2016 CNN reports that Gov. Jeb Bush and Gov. Mitt Romney are considering voting for Gov. Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate for President. Chairman of the Libertarian National Committee, Nicholas Sarwark, says, ‘The Libertarian Party is delighted that Govs. Bush and Romney are considering voting for our candidates, Govs. Johnson […]

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Libertarian Party

Gary Johnson at 12 percent in new national poll

From the Libertarian Vindicator on July 11: “In a new Morning Consult poll released this morning, Governor Gary Johnson is now polling back at 12% nationally against Trump and Clinton, and is on the verge of reaching the requirement to make the debate stage this fall.” Click here to read the article.

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Libertarian Party

Live feed for Johnson and Weld appearance at National Press Club

A live feed of the appearance of LP presidential and vice presidential nominees Gary Johnson and Bill Weld will be available today, starting at 1 pm ET. Click here to watch. From the National Press Club on June 16: “The Libertarian Party presidential ticket — former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson and former Massachusetts Gov. […]

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Libertarian Party

AOL News: How Gary Johnson could shake up the presidential race

From AOL News on June 30: “The 2016 election is all about frustration — with politics, with people running for office, with Democrats and Republicans alike. Irritation with politics as usual fueled the rise of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and sustained Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders‘ so-called political revolution deep into the Democratic Party’s primary. […]

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Libertarian Party

Dallas Morning News: Libertarians are right, taxation is theft

From Mac McCann of the Dallas Morning News on June 29: “As people struggle to decide between the two most disliked major party nominees ever, there’s one thing people seem to miss: there are other options, like Libertarians Gary Johnson and William Weld. “In fact, the Libertarian ticket has more executive branch experience than Hillary Clinton […]

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Libertarian Party

Reason: Listen to the Libertarians

From Jacob Sullum of Reason Magazine on June 29: “The matchup between Hillary Clinton, one of the most uptight politicians ever, and Donald Trump, a loose-lipped lunatic who revels in saying whatever pops into his head, promises some entertaining presidential debates. But Americans who would like to see a clash of ideas as well as […]

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Libertarian Party

U.S. News: Libertarian Party Starting to Get Traction

From U.S. News and World Report on June 28: “Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson is zeroing in on a key challenge for his longshot campaign: Boosting his support in the opinion polls so he can qualify for the general-election debates. “One recent poll gives him 10 percent support against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate […]

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Libertarians in the News

CNN: What to watch at the Libertarian town hall

Excerpt: “The year is 2016, and a third party is going to prime time. “The Libertarian presidential candidate, former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, and his running mate, former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld, will face voters Wednesday evening [tonight] in a town hall live on CNN. “The 9 p.m. event moderated by CNN’s Chris Cuomo […]

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