2023 Money Bomb

As we approach the final stretch of 2023, the Libertarian Party is gearing up for an exhilarating finish with a Last-Minute Money Bomb! We’re reaching out to you, our steadfast supporters, to join us in launching into the new year on a resounding note of liberty. With less than two weeks left, your contribution can help us soar past our $25,000 goal and wrap up the year in style. This is your chance to make a direct impact on the future of liberty – donate to the fund that resonates with you and be a part of the Liberty Countdown! 


Let’s make this money bomb an explosive success together.

Choose Your Fund, Ignite the Liberty Countdown

General Fund

Help support the everyday operational needs of the Libertarian Party.

Ballot Access

Help the Libertarian Party show up on ballots across the country this year!

Affiliate Support

Investment in the future of our party help us empower and invigorate our affiliates.

Historical Preservation

Help preserve and publish the Libertarian Party's historical documents.

Candidate Support

Help the Libertarian Party support our candidates across the country.

Building Fund

Help keep our headquarters in tip-top-shape for our team and visitors.